國際交流:2015美國加州州立大學 英語研習營  


One Thousand


For the three weeks’ English learning journey, I have learned a lot of things that you can’t learn in Taiwan. In the school, I learned a lot of English speaking skills, like how to write a topic sentence and a summary and how to take good notes for the listening exams. The most important part is that I did a presentation with my classmate. When I started working on this project, I felt a little stressed while discussing it with my Brazilian partner. I couldn’t understand what he said because of his accent, but gradually it goes a lot easier and finally I understood him well.  When we did our presentation, it was challenging for me at first, but finally I learned how to communicate better with my partner.


I enjoyed going to the ice cream social time and the summer pool party, where I met a lot of people from other countries.  We chatted about our different cultures. In the conversation lab, I really improved my listening and speaking skills.


When I first arrived in California, something ridiculous happened to me. I crossed a street and waited for the walking light to come on so I could crossed.  I waited for about 10 minutes but nothing happened. Finally I realized that I had to press the button for walking. I felt so silly!


Here I have learned many new English skills and I’ve had the wonderful experience of living with a great American family. In three short weeks, I’ve learned that the most important thing is to be flexible and adapt to a new environment!