國際交流:2015美國加州州立大學 英語研習營  




I would like to press “like” for myself because I am so proud of my bravery. In Taiwan, I am a shy girl, therefore, deciding to join the study tour for me is really surprising. It’s fun to make my life different by doing something challenging. Study tour not only can make my dream come true, but also I can learn the local English. In the U.S.A., I have many memories. The best unforgettable part is the final day I walked around the park with my home mom, Angela, where I talk everything to her. It is not difficult for me because I love talking in  English. The U.S.A. study tour gave me this chance to use what I learn about English. In this study tour, I made many friends. They come from different countries. I like my classmate. She comes from Japan. I could talk many things with her. She usually shared me some cookies and gave me many suggestions about the food. I like to find different things about Taiwan and U.S.A.


In my opinion, there are some similarities and different things between Taiwan and the U.S.A. The first similarity is person. The Americans are friendly and opening. They can talk everything to you. Taiwanese are also friendly. However, we are shy. The second similarity is life. The American life is kind of relaxing. They go to work at early morning and go home early. During weekends, some people will go to church or join the club. On the other hand,  lives in Taiwan are busy. We need to work at early morning and we usually work overtime.


At weekends, we are too tired to do anything. Although my host family and I are different in culture and language, we still can live together like a family.


At the end, I feel grateful that Shu-Te gives me this chance to attend the study tour this time. My life becomes more different than before because of this study tour. I will work harder on English study. My ambition is to study in the U.S.A. in the future.